For Gross Train Lengths up to 18.75m and up to 18t of Gross Vehicle Weight (trailer and load)...
A versatile drawbar trailer offering greatest stability with lightest unladen weight, for maximum total...
Our tandem axle drawbar trailers can stand alone uncoupled even on heavy ground and make ideal...
Offering greater load-bearing and stability over heavy ground, our tri-axle drawbar trailers can stand...
For loads up to 32t (GVW), our tandem axle artic trailers come with LED marker lights and EBS with...
Built to withstand years of heavy use in the tough conditions faced day in and day out by our livestock...
Lower rear platform height and excellent point load-bearing makes this tandem axle an ideal...
With the greatest load-bearing over the largest load area of all our trailers and its low rear platform...
A highly evolved livestock transporter featuring weight-saving all-alloy construction and an aerodynamic...
For two decks of sheep or pigs* or one of adult cattle, this fuel-efficient all-alloy transporter has the...
Popular with breeders and hauliers alike, our lightest two deck adult cattle transporter can also be...
Built with fuel efficiency in mind for the dedicated sheep haulier, our lightest three deck can also...
Our largest capacity transporter accommodates up to four decks of sheep or two of adult cattle.
Pigs don't really like ramps and drivers have better things to do than coax pigs into using them!
Suitable for pigs or adult cattle and ideal for larger-scale pig hauliers, this unit offers maximum ease of...
Lighter and more fuel efficient for smaller loads than our Professional Four Deck, this two deck adult...
Our lightest multiple lifting deck is a full tonne lighter than our equivalent P-Line Single Lifting Deck, giving...
Accommodate three decks of sheep or pigs or one deck of adult cattle and one deck of sheep or pigs...
Platinum's automatic, light-sensing deck locking system means you can say farewell to fiddly, time-consuming pin location routines - and any risk of dangerous, expensive deck collapse disasters.
Safe, efficient single operator working, full-width, quick, clean all lifting decks, excellent aerodynamics and fuel economy - just some of the benefits that place 'The Platinum' at the pinnacle of 21st Century livestock transportation.
Built to the same high standards as our popular Professional Single Deck container for commercial...
Built to the same design specifications as our Professional Two Deck livestock container...
Our all-alloy Professional Horse Box is both robust and lightweight, giving excellent fuel economy and...
With its discrete exterior design, this all-alloy container gives excellent fuel economy and has been...
The height of discretion, our lightest fallen stock box ever comes factory fitted to the 3.5 tonne chassis of...
This 4x4-drawn livestock transporter is light enough to carry ONE decks of sheep or pigs, strong enough for adult cattle
With its full-length electric-hydraulic lifting deck, this 4x4-drawn livestock transporter is light enough to carry two decks of sheep...
With seventy years of knowledge and expertise behind us, you can rest assured that your bespoke...
UK National Small Series Type Approved on range of platforms and sub-frames, all manufactured to exacting standards in high-grade alloy or steel...
2011 Professional 4 Deck Sheep / 2 Deck Cattle
2013 Professional 4 Deck Sheep / 2 Deck Cattle